The plant APAMARGA is a plant that has found a very profuse use in Ayurveda. The ash that results from completely burning the plant is a good source of Potash which is also useful as a Kshara (Alkali) in the treatments or formulations in Ayurveda. The plant finds its place as one of the important Shirovirechaneeya (Nasal errhine or snuff) substance. The leaves are taken as food in place of Spinach at Tanzania while the………CONTINUE READING


The plant AMALAKI is a tree which has a diversified use not only in Ayurveda but as a nutraceutical also. The fruits of the tree is used in varied formulations and food preparations that it is considered as the step mother of humanity. Hence it is called by the name “DHATRI” in the Ayurvedic texts. The most famous formulation of Ayurveda that has the fruits of Amalaki as the major ingredient is the CHYAVANAPRASHA. Moreover,………CONTINUE READING